I needed a break months ago. Like most people I put it off several times. But, today here I am practicing what I preach! This next 6 months I’ll be 100% focused on ME - MYSELF & I! Over the last 6 years I’ve learned a lot about what’s important. With age comes wisdom. The biggest lesson to date is; you MUST decided what is Essential for YOUR life! Once I did, my journey unfolded in a beautiful way creating a new path towards greater greatness. Life can be sweet & simple! Don’t over complicate the essence of LESS IS MORE! Take it from me, IT AIN’T PRETTY now is it essential. If it does not serve you; disengage! It’s that simple.
. . I challenged you to Make the rest of your year...life, and everyday hereafter worth living. Do all the things you keep putting off for next year. Stop feeding yourself the lie that you have to be at a certain place in life or have a certain amount of money saved before you do XYZ! Travel, see new places. Get the tattoo. Marry him/her. Cash out your 401K and invest in that business. Whatever your thing is...do it! The number one thing people take for granted is LIFE! Tomorrow is NOT promised...do today what is essential...tomorrow will take care of itself! Are you ready to live and do what is essential? 💋 #LadyKayNC #PowerPlusMoment#DoTheEssential #LiveWorthy #GodHasGreater #TrustTheProcess
![]() Acknowledge. Cope. Heal. Working Through Depression by: Kenyatta Johnson Live long enough and depression will knock at your door and before you know it, it's sitting on your couch, eating your food and sleeping in your bed. 1 out of 10 people suffer in silence with depression. Depression can be triggered by negative life changing events such as death of a loved one, loss of a job, financial stress, unhealthy relationships, low self-esteem or it can be a chemical imbalance in the brain. No matter what your story is, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Getting help at the onset is key to learning ways to cope and heal. Working with people experiencing depression, the number one thing that keeps them from treatment is pride. The reality is you have to fight for your life and mental well-being. Although depression is common, it's not something you have to suffer through alone. Getting help is the first step. Learning to cope with depression is a choice. Depression can be overwhelming, it will make you think you are crazy, but YOU ARE NOT. There is no shame in asking for help and there is no shame in being depressed. More than 50% of the worlds population is or has been depressed. Depression is depression. Coping and healing is a choice. Depression has knocked on my door many times and sometimes I welcomed him in. Then there are times where depressed slips in and before you know...BAM, it gut punched you. Either way, I had to take an active roll is getting help. As a retired mental health professional, I know the signs and what to do and look for, however, that does not exempt me from self-care. I know a lot of professionals in the medical and mental health field who put there mental health to the side and pay dearly for it. Don't let that be your story! How do you know when you're depressed?
Here are a few tips to help you work through depression:
1. Acknowledge - Don't live in denial about your depression. It will only make it worse. It's OK to acknowledge you are depressed. If you can't acknowledge it, you can heal it. 2. Get Help - Therapy is a great way to process and work through depressive moods. 3. Be Open - Some levels of depression require a combinations of treatments. More severe depression might require medication and therapy. Be open to the idea and know there is nothing wrong with either. 4. Open the Blinds and Let in the Sun - avoid dark spaces. 5. Walking or Exercise - Walking is a great way to find your happy place. 6. Deep Breathing - A few minutes daily of breathing deeply from your belly, holding in and out for 8 seconds, is a powerful agent. When your body is not getting steady oxygen, noxious gases build up in your blood, triggering anxiety and fight-or-flight reflexes in your nervous system. 7. Avoid Being Alone - Engage with people even if you have to force yourself. Being isolated is the worse thing you can do when you are depressed. 8. Avoid Sugar - it's not good depressed or not. Sugar makes you crash. When you crash off sugar while depressed it will make you feel worse. 9. Find a Cause Bigger than you - Give yourself purpose through service to others. It's a great way to take your mind off self. Helping other naturally will make you feel better. 10. Positive Affirmations- What you say and think about yourself and your situation is what you will manifest. Speak life no matter how you feel. If you are sad, say "I choose to be happy...I am happy" and keep saying it until it becomes the truth. And above all. PRAY, READ THE WORD OF GOD, It will be a lamp until thy feet and light to thy path. God is always with you even when you don't feel Him. And if you can't pray for yourself, ask someone to pray with you. . I hope this was helpful. Subscribe, comment and Share. Have a beautiful day and Get out and get some fresh air! Hugs, Kay |
Meet Lady KayWelcome to my blog. I am here to inspire and motivate my readers to enjoy life, heal and live their best lives. I invite you to join my tribe, read, comment and share. I respond to all comments.
July 2020